Tuesday, August 04, 2015


To connect running docker containers

sudo docker exec -i -t d82aff80490e bash

Monday, December 22, 2014

E-bis r12 query to find userid, responsibility


select * from fnd_user_resp_groups where user_id = 1068 and SECURITY_GROUP_ID = 401;

select * from FND_SECURITY_GROUPS;

Monday, September 15, 2014

How to get username from http basic authentication in Oracle OSB

How to get username from http basic authentication in OSB
OSB needs to start with following java option
Then use the following expression to get the authorization header  in osb
Above value is in the base 64 encoded format. To  decode :
Create a class as following, and use Java callout activity
package com.osb.custom.functions;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
public class Base64Utitlity {
    public Base64Utitlity() {
    public static String decode (String encodedStr) {
        byte[] decodedStr = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(encodedStr);
        return new String(decodedStr);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Base64Utitlity base64Utitlity = new Base64Utitlity();

To extract out the username , use following expression:
Input to java callout :
fn:substring-after($inbound/ctx:transport/ctx:request/tp:headers/tp:user-header[@name='Authorization']/@value, ' ')
Assign the java callout to a variable , say $temp
Then use following expression
fn:substring-before($temp, ':')

Friday, July 04, 2014

How to display timestamp in Oracle BPM task UI page

Use af:ConvertDateTime inside af:inputDate as show in the screenshot

Code view :

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Get a taste of Oracle Java as a Service on Oracle Cloud

This document provides details for trying and getting a hands-on experience using Java on Oracle cloud platform as a service (PaaS). 

Step 1: 

Go to http://cloud.oracle.com and request for a Java Try account. With this request a plat form of weblogic, and associated database connection to a single database schema will be provided.
Value proposition of this PaaS is its ability to abstract all the infrastructure and administrative complexity and provide only required administrative screens for a business platform operation.
After getting trial account confirmation email, sign in to http://cloud.oracle.com, and see the list of java and database service activated as shown in the following screen shot.

Step 2:

Click on service name Java to get service detail and its management option. The Java service detail page will show the options and details about the sftp accounts to move files in and out from cloud. It also has link to Identity console, in which users and roles accounts could be created  and link to service console that take enterprise manager (EM) page of Java server in which application deployment, application management and monitoring could be performed.

To create users, modify password, click on button Identity console

Step 3:

Confirm the associated data source name from em console by clicking button ‘Service Console’ from Java Instance detail page.  Java PaaS trial version provides already associated database as a cloud (DaaS) with datasource name as ‘database’ as shown in the following service console screen.

Above steps ensure all the required components are available for web application development. Now, to test out the application development, download ‘Oracle Java Cloud Service SDK’ from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/cloud/downloads/index.html
Above SDK comes with many sample applications. Setup the environment as explained below to use SDK samples.

Step 1: 

Unzip sdk files to a folder (ex: c:\tools). Modify build.common.properties file in ‘samples’ folder (C:\tools\oracle-javacloud-sdk\oracle-javacloud-sdk\samples) as per the instruction in file. Following are the important parameters. These values are determined from service instance detail page of your cloud environment.
#Identity domain name
#Service instance name
# Name of the datasource that the application will use to do database operations.
# This datasource name is same as your Database Cloud Service name which is associated with this Java Cloud Service.
Ensure ‘ant’ is available in the path, and run ‘ant’ at folder.  Verify all the samples war files (ex: petsore.war) are created under folder ‘apps’ (C:\tools\oracle-javacloud-sdk\oracle-javacloud-sdk\samples\apps).

Step 2:

Go to cloud java service console page and deploy petsore.war using the ‘Deploy New’ button as shown in the following screenshots

Step 3:

Test deployed petsore application by clicking test link from service console page as shown below.

Type ‘/bookstore’ at the end of the url to get to the petstore home page.

Step 4 :

Verify tables and data in database by navigating to database console clicking ‘Launch Service’ button from database service detail page as shown following screenshots

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Oracle E-Bis Inegration video

http://youtu.be/pfGNToFMKNE - BPM/SOA/EBS/Siebel integrated demo.

Oracle Fusion Apps

You may find details about Oracle fusion applications datamodel, webservices, scheduler jobs and reports from following fusion repository


You may access this as guest an search interested artifacts.

Also, you can fusion apps help hosted at
